Take Action: Participate in the Largest Anti-Fracking Rally in New York State History, Ban GE Crop Field Tests, Dear Nestle – Water is Not a Commodity!

Join Us for The Largest Anti-Fracking Rally in New York State History

Next Monday, June 17th is going to be a major turning point in the anti-fracking movement. For the first time, doctors, farmers, teachers, scientists, business owners, parents, students, kids and iEat Green, will CROSSROADS FINALall come together in Albany for a rally and march to stop fracking and say yes to renewable energy (to learn more about fracking click here). New York is at a critical crossroads. We can choose to protect our land, water, soil, air, and health or choose to poison them.? The road to fracking and fossil fuels is a dead end. The road to renewable energy is a shining beacon for a healthy and sustainable future. If we want to take the non-destructive route, WE NEED EVERYONE! to come to Albany on June 17th to let Governor Cuomo know he can be a hero by rejecting fracking and fully embracing renewable energy in New York. Our movement is strong and we can lead the way together. It’s going to be an historic day. We need you there with your family, friends and neighbors. Sign up today and please share this event on facebook, tweet about it, talk about it, and share it with as many people as you can!

Tell the USDA to Immediately Ban Field Tests of Genetically Engineered Crops

Monsanto?s unapproved genetically engineered (GE) ?Roundup Ready? wheat was found growing in a random Oregon field last week. The farmer doesn?t know how it got there. Neither does anyone else since Monsanto ended field testing this type of wheat eight years ago. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently investigating the extent of the contamination. But this story isn?t surprising. GE crops can?t be controlled. The fact is that contamination happens all the time while companies like Monsanto experiment with nature and our food supply. Putting an end to field testing is the only way to stop it. Tell the USDA that the only way to prevent contamination is to put an immediate ban on field testing GE crops.

Demand that Nestl? Stop Sucking Water from an Ontario Watershed During Drought Conditions

Nestl?’s Chairman and former CEO once infamously declared that “access to water should not be a public right.” And now his company is putting into practice its belief that every resource should be commodified?and sold off. Nestl? is currently sucking up water from a Canadian watershed during drought conditions. As Nestle takes as much water as they would like, to bottle and sell, the surrounding communities which rely on the aquifer have by-laws to restrict their access to their own water during dry conditions in the summer. This is ethically not right. It shouldn?t take a legal proceeding to force Nestl? to do the right thing. Let?s tell Nestl? that a community?s access to its own water supply is more important than any company’s profits. Last month, over 220,000 SumOfUs.org supporters signed a petition against Nestl?’s greedy effort to patent the fennel flower, a cure-all medicinal remedy for millions of people in impoverished communities across the Middle East and Asia. SBy speaking out against the draining of our watersheds, you will be taking a stand against Nestl??s strategy to profit off everything in nature. Demand that Nestl? stop commodifying everything in nature. Stop draining Ontario’s watershed to bottle water.?