Two Ways You Can Help Pass GMO Labeling in New York State
If you want to see a GMO labeling law in New York, there are two important events coming up that you should attend. The first is a meeting with Senator Gillibrand, who along with 70 other U.S. senators, had voted against the Sanders Amendment to protect states? rights to pass GMO labeling laws. Organic Consumers Association has set up a meeting with Sen. Gillibrand?s office to ask about her vote against the Sanders Amendment. We also will ask her to pledge that she will not support any federal rider, amendment or other legislation that would preempt states? rights to label GMOs.??Please sign up here if you can attend a meeting with Sen. Gillibrand?s Senior Advisor on July 29th in New York city. Then click here and we’ll help you write and send a letter to the editor asking Sen. Gillibrand to support states? rights to label. The second opportunity for you make your voice heard on the need for GMO labeling, is at the Assembly Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection hearing on New York labeling bill A3525-A on July 30th, on the Lehman College Campus in the Bronx. Testimony is by invitation only, but written testimony can be submitted and sent no later than August 5th to:??Matt Aumand? Committee Assistant? Assembly Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection?, Room 513 – Capitol?Albany, New York 12248? – email: ??Please consider attending one or both meetings, or write a letter to the editor and submit written testimony. Click here for more information and to attend the hearing.
TODAY! JULY 24th – Join the Monsanto Video Revolt!
A new grassroots campaign entitled the ‘Monsanto Video Revolt‘ has been launched by activists in order to spread the word about the many dangers and crimes committed by biotech company, Monsanto, and the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) they create. On July 24th, TODAY,? the campaign calls on individuals from around the world to post videos regarding Monsanto on all video sharing and social media websites, whether that be YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, etc. With the abundance of smart phones, this is real simple. You can make one in the time it takes you to finish reading this paragraph. So take out your phone or camera and get started! We need the world to know how destructive biotech companies, like Monsanto, are to the health of people, animals, and the environment. Please include ‘Monsanto Video Revolt’ in the video title in order to drive the campaign into the trending topics of the international news media. If you can not make a video, please share this link to your friends and family so that they can get involved as well. If you come across any ‘Monsanto Video Revolt’ videos or tweets, please share them on Facebook, through email, or just simply by word of mouth. The movement for real, SAFE, healthy food is growing! Join us!
Tell Your Member of Congress: Support the Save America’s Pollinators Act
A new (but long overdue!) bill has finally been introduced in Congress. The?Saving America?s Pollinators Act of 2013 aims to provie protections for America’s imperiled pollinators. On July 17th, Representatives John Conyers (D-MI) and Earl Blumenauer (D- OR) introduced H.R. 2692, which calls for the suspension of neonicotinoids, a class of systemic pesticides that are killing bees in devastating numbers. The United States is lagging behind Europe when it comes to the protection of bees and other pollinators. Earlier this year, the EU announced a two-year suspension on these bee-killing pesticides. Now its time for the U.S. to act. The Save America’s Pollinators Act would suspend the use of neonicotinoid pesticides until a full review of scientific evidence and a field study demonstrates no harmful impacts to pollinators.? Tell your Representative to Save America’s Pollinators!
Guide to Bug Repellents
This summer has certainly been one for the mosquitoes. With the possible drawbacks of common repellents such as DEET, how can one protect themselves from being eaten alive? Thankfully, the Environmental Working Group can answer that question. They spent 18 months digging into the question: what are the safest and most effective ways to prevent bug bites and the diseases they may transmit??? The answer may be surprising and in some ways disappointing. The bad news:? there’s no sure, completely safe way to prevent bug bites. ?All bug repellents have pros and cons.? The good news:? some repellents are effective and relatively low in toxicity — provided you take precautions when using them, particularly on children. Click here to find out how you can protect yourself and your family.
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