Food Safety Modernization Act: Stand Up Today for Food and Farms!
The US Food and Drug Administration has proposed new rules this year that will have a huge impact on how fresh fruits and vegetables are grown and processed in the US.?This will greatly affect farmers, as well as consumers. Everyone has a role in ensuring safe food from field to fork ? but the FDA?s new proposed rules will unfairly burden family farmers, target sustainable and organic farming, and reduce the availability of fresh, local food in our communities.?Right now, we have a chance to tell FDA that this is unacceptable. The FDA is currently seeking comments from the public – that’s you!?Click here to help fix FSMA.
Help Prevent Devastating Food Stamp Cuts!
Our country’s first line of defense against hunger?food stamps (SNAP)?is under the greatest threat seen in decades.?More than 47 million Americans ?rely on SNAP to put food on the table. Many struggle to stretch their SNAP dollars to the end of the month, and turn to food pantries and soup kitchens when they can’t.?Instead of strengthening the anti-hunger safety net, actions by Congress could cut food stamps and worsen hunger. ?Fill out the form on the right to send an auto-generated letter to your Senators and Representative (determined by your address) telling them?not to push us over the Hunger Cliff.
Join the March Against Monsanto and Demand GMO Labeling
Millions of activists from around the world will March Against Monsanto, calling for the permanent boycott?of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and other harmful agro-chemicals.?Currently, marches will occur on six continents, in 52 countries,with ?events in over 400 cities. In the US, solidarity marches are slated to occur in 47 states.?To see a comprehensive list of marches, click?here.?GMOs are pervasive in the U.S. food system yet largely unlabeled and untested.?Urge Governor Cuomo and your NYS representatives to support Assembly bill A3525A and Senate bill S3835A, which would require the labeling of all genetically engineered foods offered for retail sale in New York.?To sign on-line petition, click?here.
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