An Interview with Indian Chef, Mukti Banerjee

Hi Everyone,

With all of the problems in the world, I understand the fear young couples can have, when choosing whether or not to bring children into this world. However, the world needs children to be raised by conscious parents, so that they can go out into the world and help create change. The saying that “An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” is so true, and as a parent, I see the beautiful, grown-up children within my community, going out and forging change within the world. So, please bear with me, as I engage in a moment of parental bragging rights. On Saturday, I witnessed Suzanne Lacy’s feminist art piece called, Between the Door and the Street, where she gathered over 300 women to engage in conversations about race, gender and politics on the stoops of a residential street in Brooklyn. My daughter, Saisha, was one of the curators from the Elizabeth Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum. Then, to coincide with the March Against Monsanto, a group of musicians and dancers (my daughter, Elana, being one of them) came out with a music video, to the music of Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”, only this video is called “Don’t Eat It.” Check it out here!

After spending three weeks in India, one would think I had my fill of Indian food for a while, but that is not the case! Since I have been back, I am inspired to re-create many of the delicious dishes I sampled in India. Last week, I shared with you my muktiversion of the Creamy Black Lentil Dal that I loved, and this week I have another surprise recipe to share with you. I also scheduled Mukti Banerjee, a wonderful Indian chef, who teaches classes in Brooklyn, to be my guest on the Progressive Radio Network this week, so that we can ask her questions about the spices and some of the unique vegetables that she uses in her Indian cooking. Please join me on Thursday at 10 am EST, for my interview with Mukti. I’m sure it will be fun and informative!

Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.? To tune in, navigate to? click the ?Listen Live? button on the left. Also try downloading the?PRN mobile app, and take the station with you wherever you go! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.

If you can?t tune in at that time, you can listen to the show in the?PRN archives,?or on my website, or through iTunes. You can also access the show by calling in to?The Progressive Radio Network?at 619-550-0869. Please ?like??iEat Green?s Facebook page?and feel free to?rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website.

May all of you enjoy the rest of your week, and I look forward to being with all of you, in person, next week.
