Don’t Let the FDA Destroy Organics: Act Today!
Right now, former Monsanto lobbyist, Michael Taylor, is busy crafting new food safety rules at the FDA that could drive tens of thousands of America?s small, local and organic family farmers out of business. That?s right, Michael Taylor, the former Monsanto lawyer who crafted the FDA?s 1992 policy that won?t allow GMO labeling in the U.S., is back at the FDA, this time appointed by the Obama administration as the new food safety czar. Now Taylor?s responsible for writing new regulations that could kill the local food movement and drive thousands of America?s best family farmers out of business. Even worse is the fact that the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) is also a guiding force in crafting these local food, family farm killing regulations. The GMA is the same corporate lobbying front group that donated $11 million to defeat GMO labeling in Washington state. Now the GMA is bragging on their website about working with the FDA to craft these new regulations that could wipe out as much as 50 percent of small farmers’ profits with one-size-fits-all regulations. Small and midsize family farmers shouldn?t be forced out of business because factory farms and giant corporations have created greater risks in our food supply. We need your help today, stand up for local food and family farmers! Every voice counts! Click here to add your voice.?
Tell the USDA to Stop Dow Chemical?s “Agent Orange” Crops
Dow Chemical, the same company that brought us Dursban, Napalm, and Agent Orange, is now in the food business and is pushing for an unprecedented government approval:? genetically engineered (GE) versions of corn and soybeans that are designed to survive repeated dousing with 2,4-D, half of the highly toxic chemical mixture Agent Orange.? Agent Orange was the chemical defoliant used by the U.S. in Vietnam, and it caused lasting environmental damage as well as many serious medical conditions in both American veterans and the Vietnamese.? USDA has just released its draft environmental impact statement and announced a 45-day public comment period on these new crops. Tell USDA and President Obama to reject Dow Chemical?s ?Agent Orange? crops!
Stop the TPP
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a new “free trade” agreement being negotiated between the U.S. and 11 other Pacific Rim countries. Like other Free Trade Agreements, this one is basically a permanent power grab by corporations and financial companies that will make it impossible for the citizens of countries joining the TPP to choose what laws and rules they want to live under. For Americans, it would lead to increased gas exports and increased imported foods, while undermining our domestic laws and increasing the financialization of nature. TPP was started under George W. Bush but is being pushed ? hard ? by President Obama. In fact, he is pushing it so hard that he has indicated he will seek “fast track authority” for the negotiating, meaning that he, and whoever comes after him, would be able to negotiate as desired without oversight by Congress. Isn’t the reason our constitution created three federal branches ? executive, judicial and legislative ? to ensure checks and balances? Click here to urge your congressional representatives to stop Obama’s plan to “fast track” secret trade deals. My guest on this week, Adam Weissman, will be discussing this extremely import topic that everyone needs to be aware of. Tune in on Thursday at 10am EST to to learn more about the TTP and what else we can do to stop it.
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