TOTake Action: Tell Governor Cuomo to Lead on Clean Energy in 2014, TODAY! June 5th: National Conference Call For a Ban on Fracking

Tell Governor Cuomo to Lead on Clean Energy in 2014

During the final months of 2013, nearly 13,000 petitions from across the state were dropped off in Albany asking Governor Cuomo to make wind Screen Shot 2014-06-03 at 3.20.17 PMenergy a top priority in 2014. Despite the bipartisan support, Governor Cuomo hasn’t moved forward on wind. While he has made significant commitments to solar through NY SUN, he can do more by committing to responsibly sited wind power. Let Governor Cuomo know, we’re still waiting for his leadership on wind. Click here to take action.

TODAY! June 5th: National Conference Call For a Ban on Fracking

Join the Americans Against Fracking coalition for an important national conference call on Thursday anti-fracking-symbol-mdJune 5th at 8pm EST! ?Recent developments across the United States show that the movement to ban fracking is growing stronger by the day! Join the call to learn about national updates from the campaign to stop fracked gas exports; and state updates from Maryland, North Carolina, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Oregon. ?RSVP and help spread the word about this call to your supporters and followers on Facebook and Twitter. The call in number is 559-726-1200 and the code is 776632.