Tell Coke to Kiss Monsanto Goodbye!
What do Monsanto and Coke have in common? They?ve both spent millions of dollars to keep consumers in the dark about the foods you buy.?In the
past 2 years, executives at Coca-Cola have stood with Monsanto against the American public by donating more than $3.2 million to defeat GMO labeling?ballot initiatives, Prop 37 in California and I-522 in Washington State. It?s time for consumers to put their money where their mouth is and join the Coke Boycott.?While you may not drink Coke?or any of their popular sugary soda drinks, the company owns many brands that you might buy, including Honest Tea, Honest Kids, Zico Coconut Water, Odwalla, Powerade, Peace Tea, Vitamin Water and Simply Orange.?Tell Coke to dump Monsanto and stop spending millions of dollars to kill GMO labeling campaigns in America! ?Click here to tell Coke to Kiss Monsanto Goodbye!
Save Our Parks From Fracking
Tell Congress: Don’t Gut Healthy School Lunches
In a major initiative spurred on by First Lady Michelle Obama, school lunch nutrition rules have been revamped to provide healthier school lunches to children in public schools across the country. But now, Republicans in Congress, led by many whose campaigns are backed by Big Food special interests and the Koch Brothers, are set to roll back these major gains in providing healthy food to our school children. We must act now to prevent Congress from advancing a bill that would permanently roll back standards for whole grains, salt, fruits and vegetables, and healthy school snacks — and would instead allow schools to serve our children more junk food. As a mom of three beautiful children, I know how important it is to establish healthy eating habits early and to eat healthy food, especially when they’re away from home. Many kids eat up to half of their calories at school, and come home to empty refridgerators. Since the introduction of these new school nutrition standards, childhood obesity rates reportedly have been leveling off, and 91% of schools are already meeting the new school meal standards. We still have a long way to go, but this has been a big improvement! Now is not the time to make school lunches less healthy. That’s why we must urge Congress to reject this extreme legislation now.?Children deserve healthy food at school, not junk food filled with salt, sugar, and empty calories. Click here to take action.
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