An Interview with Ellen Gustafson, Author of “We the Eaters; If We Change Dinner, We Can Change the World”

Ellen-Eaters-680x499Hi All,

This morning I had a great interview with Ellen Gustafson, talking about her new book, We the Eaters, and about the connection that our food choices have on so many aspects of our lives. The obvious ones are our health and having control of the quality of our foods, but then there is the environmental impact that our food system has on the soil, water, and green house gas emissions. Our food choices also impact our local economy, our local farmers, our health care system, and the precious time that can be created when we sit down together as a family and share the days experiences. Ellen brings a wealth of experience to the table, with her new book, We the Eaters. If you issued the show, you can listen to it below!