An Interview with Marla Friedman, Certified Nutritionist and Licensed Health Counselor

Hi Everyone,

Ark of Taste from Africa

Ark of Taste from Africa

I just returned from Terra Madre, the International Slow Food Conference in Turin, Italy, and once again, I feel renewed and inspired to be part of such a wonderful organization. Slow Food is mobilizing a community of change makers, working to reclaim our global food systems, and put it back in the hands of local farmers, fisherman, ranchers, and communities. I am proud to head up our local chapter, Slow Food North Shore, and want to encourage all of you to join this progressive organization in your local area. I was very happy to see a growing network of Slow Food Fisheries, and Community Supported Fisheries (CSF) working together to create a model that preserves our delicate eco-system, educates the public, supports the local fisherman and brings the freshest fish to market. Another initiative that Slow Food has launched this year, and one that I have been a little resistant to, is the Slow Meat Campaign. As a person who hasn’t eaten any meat or chicken for over 40 years, it was hard for me to get behind any campaign that encouraging the eating of animals. However, after listening to many speakers on the topic, I realized that the Slow Meat Campaign is not encouraging the eating of meat, as much as encouraging people who are going to eat meat anyway, to eat less of it, and better quality, meaning meat that is raised locally, in a sustainable manner, free of pesticides, hormones and GMO feed, and by a farmer who is raising the animals in a humane way.? The bottom line is that we need to get rid of factory farms and cheap meat, which are polluting our environment, keeping the population sick, and unfairly competing with small family farmers who are trying to make a living. The goal of the campaign is to educate the public, to reduce the amount of meat consumed, to get factory farms to pay for cleaning up their toxic wastes, so that the real cost of factory meat production is not subsidized by tax payers, and to partner with other humane and environmental groups to put an end to animal abuse, and to improve the health of our children and public. It’s a large ticket, but I know we can make the change happen!

Marla Friedman

This week, on the Progressive Radio Network, my guest will be Marla Friedman, Certified Nutritionist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and author of a new book called, Love, Freedom and Wellness: A Guide to Living an Empowered Life. I am excited to share with all of you the work that she has been doing in the areas of Anti-Aging and Regenerative and Functional Medicine in her clinical practice, and how nutrition can play a major part. Please join me on Thursday, at 10 am, for what promises to be an informative interview with Dr. Marla Friedman.

Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.? To tune in, navigate to? click the ?Listen Live? button on the left. Also try downloading the?PRN mobile app, and take the station with you wherever you go! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.

If you can?t tune in at that time, you can listen to the show in the?PRN archives,?or on my website, or through iTunes. You can also access the show by calling in to?The Progressive Radio Network?at 619-550-0869. Please ?like??iEat Green?s Facebook page?and feel free to?rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website. Thank you all for your support.

With love and gratitude,
