An Interview with Stephen Brooks & A Lesson in Humility

Hi Everyone,

Over the past few weeks, I, along with hundreds of other food movement enthusiasts, have been witness to a dialogue between the organizers of TedX Manhattan and a speaker who was scheduled to talk at the event, but was uninvited for reasons that were not clear. The organizers first said it was because the speaker lacked a 501c3 status, and then they said it was because they didn’t think she was ready yet. Either excuse came across as not honest. From this unfortunate act, a remarkable thing happened. First, the uninvited speaker went public with the fact that she was uninvited, and you could tell she was angry (rightfully so) and then the organizer tried  to smooth it over, again with a public letter on this amazing List serve, that I am a part of. Her response was a good PR effort, without  really addressing the problem, and it was clear to the hundreds of people reading this, that there was no real substance to her response. As the public conversation continued over the next few weeks, it brought to light many of the issues that are not easily apparent to people of privilege, but that are daily realities for so many people in our food community. The conversation got uncomfortable for many, as we had to look deep within ourselves, to face the lack of equality within our own movement. How can we have a conference about “Changing the Way We Eat” if there is not room for all people to be represented at the table? The issues of race, equality, food access, and real community, were on display for all to see. As uncomfortable as it was, a beautiful thing happened! The organizers and the uninvited guest, were able to come to a mutual place of understanding and peace. The organizers of TedX were able to admit their mistake, make a public apology, and a new stage was set for the direction of TedX and a new conversation was begun! As a result, there will be another simultaneous event will take place on the same day, February 16th, called, Not Just Talk; Food In The South Bronx. Check my calendar for more information on both events.
My guest this week on the Progressive Radio Network is Stephen Brooks, the director of Punta Mona in Costa Rico. It’s always amazing when we are reminded of what a small world we live in. One of my interns this past summer had done an internship in Costa Rico and was telling me about it. She mentioned Punta Mona, and a light went off in my head. Many years ago, my daughter spent a summer in Costa Rico on an Eco-adventure. She had spent a week at Punta Mona and that was her highlight. She came home and told me I had to go there! I haven’t gotten there yet, but I am so thrilled to have Stephen on my show to tell us about it!