Call Your Senator Today; Pass Conflict of Interest’s Act to Deter Trump; Sign up Now and Rally to Resist the Conservative Right

Call your senators now and tell them it’s time to stand up for the health of our families and the future of our planet.

capitol-516065_960_720This week, the senate has been holding hearings and making decisions on President-elect Trump’s list of oil industry insiders and climate deniers nominated to serve in key cabinet positions. These nominees could be responsible for the nation’s public lands, environment, and even foreign policy.

Andy Puzder, fast food CEO for Secretary of Labor — opposes the minimum wage and rules to protect workers.

Ryan Zinke of Montana for Secretary of Interior — has received hefty donations from Big Oil and Gas and co-sponsored legislation to speed up the approval process for fracked gas pipelines.

Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama for U.S. Attorney General — was rejected by Republicans for a judgeship in the ’80s because he was deemed racist. Sessions also helped introduce the first legislation to exempt fracking from regulations protecting our drinking water.

We have our work cut out for us to stop Trump’s big business agenda, starting with blocking these nominees. We need to build up enough public opposition to stop all of these terrible appointments, especially Jeff Sessions whose up for Attorney General yet has been a right-wing extremist discriminatory to people of color his entire career!

Tell your Senators — and sign this petition oppose Trump’s cabinet full of corporate influence!

FORCE Donald Trump to Sell Off Outrageous Conflicts of Interest

Senator Elizabeth Warren and 23 other senators have introduced a new bill which aims to FORCE Donald Trump to sell off his currently unprecedented conflicts of interest.

Sign the petition telling Congress to pass Elizabeth Warren’s Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act without delay!

trump-1573999_960_720Though he’s announced that he would hand over control of his businesses to his children before his inauguration and vowed that they would make “no new deals” while he is in office, he’s conveniently cancelled the meetings and conferences to do so… Thus, making it it clear: He is not willingly going to remove himself from the massive conflicts of interest between his personal financial interests and official duties as president.

“Experts are unambiguous: The ONLY way to address Trump’s conflicts of interest would be for him to sell off his stake in the Trump Organization and put all his assets in a true blind trust with an independent manager. Contrarily, he’s saying he’ll lock in his conflicts of interest by keeping ownership of his business empire and letting his adult sons run the company.

If he doesn’t sell off his conflicts of interest, constitutional experts agree that Trump will violate the Constitution’s prohibition on public officials receiving payments from foreign governments (called the “Emoluments Clause”) starting on Day One.

Join another 75,000 Rootstrikers members and sign the petition to Congress: Pass Elizabeth Warren’s bill to force Trump to sell his stake in the Trump Organization and put his assets in a true blind trust.

Protect Healthcare for Millions

As Congressman Zeldin and the House Republicans vote to gut the Affordable Care Act and leave millions of Americans without care, we will stand together for OUR healthcare. We can’t afford health care chaos. We need quality, affordable health care every family can count on.

If you can’t make the protest on Thursday, January 12th at 11am, then call your Representative today and tell them to #ProtectOurCare. Call now: 1-844-311-4726

Please, check out my Events page to find local and community action groups near you. Join the movement by attending a rally, contributing to civic action meetings, or if you don’t have time then simply call your representative today and make your statement! And download this Indivisible Guide and find a group near you!