It is NOT to Late to Stop Supreme Court Justice Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh

Mandatory Credit: Photo by TASOS KATOPODIS/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock (9858592g)
A protester is removed as circuit judge Brett Kavanaugh prepares to testify before his Senate confirmation hearing to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, USA, 04 September 2018. President Trump nominated Kavanaugh to fill the seat of retiring justice Anthony Kennedy. If confirmed, Kavanaugh would give conservatives a five-member majority in the high court.
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing, Washington, USA – 04 Sep 2018
Brett Kavanaugh recently went through two full days of questioning by Democrats, and the Republicans want to make it an easy ride to confirmation. This will not be the case. There is still time to oppose this nomination. During the hearings, NPR reported on protestors who had to be ejected from the room. You can still make a difference by calling your senator today and asking them to oppose the nomination. CNN created an informative list of senators and their current leanings on the issue. created a great resource you can read explaining why Kavanaugh is unfit to become the next Supreme Court Justice.
Three major takeaways from the Kavanaugh hearings were as follows:
- He refused to commit to upholding Roe v. Wade.
- He refused to say whether he believes a president must comply with a subpoena.
- He refused to reveal whether he has discussed the Mueller investigation with people in Trump’s orbit.
Take Action and Call your Senator Today!
Sign the Pledge to Support Free Sustainable School Lunch for All Kids!
Alice Waters, the chef and food activist who created the Edible Schoolyard Project , is pledging to create a system where there will be free sustainable school lunch for all kids in the United States. Her philosophy is “the best way to teach kids about the connection between food, health and the environment is in schools.” Her non-project organization has now created gardens in schools all over the country. Her current proposal includes asking schools to source directly
from local farmers and ranchers. She wants to transform lunch into something that is “civil and meaningful.” “Cafeterias have been so contaminated by fast-food culture, it’s a free for all. It doesn’t smell good, it doesn’t look good, it doesn’t have any connection or pleasure for students,” Waters says. Food Tank, an organization hosting events on sustainable food issues throughout the country wrote an article explaining Water’s vision. It is easy to take action on this issue. It simply requires a signature and to support the project in your local schools! It is something that will benefit everyone!
Sign the Pledge Today!
Stop Coal Ash Pollution Affecting our Groundwater 
Coal ash is the dust leftover from burning coal. It contains toxic chemicals and metals, which seeps into our groundwater when it becomes airborne, and can cause cancer and other illnesses. The Trump administration is rolling back regulations that have been put in place to help protect against this toxic ash. To read more about it you can read this article from Reuters.
The Environmental Action Agency explains what is happening well:
In 2008, 1.1 billion gallons of toxic coal ash spilled from an unlined coal ash pool in Tennessee. The coal ash polluted water, poisoned soil, sickened cleanup workers and killed fish and other wildlife. In the wake of the disaster, the Obama administration crafted new safety regulations for coal ash storage. 2,3 But now the Trump administration plans to delay these new safety rules, putting communities across America at risk.
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