E.P.A. Confirms Fracking is Bad; Vegans at the Dinner Table; GM Pineapple Soon to Stock Shelves

E.P.A. Confirms Fracking is Badfaucet-1684902_1280

Last year, after a 5-year study on the impacts of fracking on drinking water, the EPA released a “highly flawed” draft report claiming that there were no ‘widespread, systemic impact’ on drinking water from fracking.

In their report, the EPA described how hydraulic fracturing or fracking activities “can impact drinking water resources under some circumstances,” but the agency didn’t say how severely. Now, the story has changed.

“What we found is that although the overall incidents of impacts is low, that there are vulnerabilities,” said EPA science adviser Thomas Burke. Yup, that’s right. Truth be told!

Unfortunately, a little too late, some Americans are already experiencing the potentially harmful effects

curry-1819752_1280Satisfying Everyone at The Dinner Table

For some years, people have been switching to a vegetartian diet whether it be ethical or environmental, or even because of health related issues (we’ve known for awhile now that factory farm-raised meat of any kind is not healthy and positively sickening) -prompting a change in overall consumptive habits. Now, putting that aside, it’s still difficult at times to consider what you’re going to cook for people with vegetarian diets. The New York Times calls this the thanksgiving dilema! Tomorrow, tune in to my PRN radio show at 10:00 AM EST and check my website for my Roasted Long Island Cheese Pumpkin Soup recipe which is absolutely perfect for the holidays!

Genetically Modified Pineapple to Stock Shelves With Label “Extra Sweet”pineapple-1461198_1280

Last year, the FDA approved the first genetically modified (GM) animal for the U.S. food market — a salmon engineered to grow faster than usual (for some people this is a fine idea, especially those trying to produce ‘more for less‘ in a marketplace where bio-tech advancements are expected). Most recently, the FDA approved a genetically engineered pineapple now safe for the consumer market—yikes! This ‘extra sweet pink’ pineapple is to be grown in Costa Rica by the company Del Monte Fresh Produce. Still, there is no solid evidence that genetically modified crops are harmful to our health (except for the propagation of toxic herbicides, potential superbugs, etc.), it seems a bit eerie that the FDA calls this simply another ‘crop improvement’ for big agribusiness.