Ban Glyphosate NOW
Since the FDA’s recent suspension of testing our food for the toxic chemical, glyphosate, (and the alarming results that glyphosate residues were actually high in foods like cookies, crackers, and cereal!!!) it is more crucial and relevant than ever to jump in, UP, and exclaim, NO!!! With corruption already building in the EPA and the climate denialists gaining power in the White House, it is now our responsibility more than ever to understand truthfully the harmful effects of this herbicide on human health (already declared by the World Health Organization in 2015 to be carcinogenic. This herbicide is also responsible for the decline of our bee population! Together we must DEMAND that glyphosate be immediately removed from production and most importantly, taken out of use in our food system (blech!).
Sign the petition here AND here telling the EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy, to BAN GLYPHOSATE NOW and join the campaign, Millions Against Monsanto, to spread knowledge and awareness concerning the evidence of health risks associated with herbicides like Glyphosate which continues to pile up!!!
Promote Organic Agriculture & Increase Biodiversity
Organic is not only important when it comes to what or how you stock your kitchen pantry, growing organically is crucial for our health and the health of the planet. Organic agriculture preserves biodiversity, improves soil health, cleans the air, and saves energy, not to mention keeps harmful herbicides away from our food system. The simplest way you can ‘add your voice’ to the fight for healthy food and healthy people is to buy Organic. Vote with your dollar and sign the petition here, asking that more crops start to grow organic!
Mobilize for Clean, Renewable Energy
Sierra club’s #Readyfor100 is a diverse and national movement drawing from educators, politicians, and many more working to reach a shared goal of getting 100 cities to commit to 100% clean energy. In a recent report, 10 case studies show that urban populations are ready for renewables, and we believe we are too! Sign the petition here and find more information about grassroots groups and campaigns online via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can join the Photo Petition by posting a photo with the hashtag, #readyfor100.
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