Growing Organic Just Got Easier, maybe?; Trump’s Wall Could Cause Food System to Suffer; The Future or Dairy Farmers; Gene Editing Could Be Easier Than Microsoft; Urban Forests Rising; Animal Welfare Builds Support; Food Stamps Go Online

Growing Organic Just Got Easier, but can we trust it?

barley-872000_1280We can’t believe everything we hear. As I always say, you need to follow the money! The Organic Trade Association, which is an organization that was set up to help support the organic industry, has a history of betrayal when it really counts! The OTA was one of the main supporters of the DARK act, and is partially responsible for helping to push through Monsanto’s Dream Act.  Now they want to make it easier for conventional farmers to transition to organic, but how can we trust them? We need to stay vigilant, and keep an eye on them, which will be a challenge with this new administration. I too, want to see programs to support conventional farmers making the transition, but I don’t want it to compromise the integrity of the organic market. “The Organic Trade Association, which represents America’s biggest organic food companies, wants to make it easier for farmers to get over this hurdle. And its proposal has just been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It’s a new certification for food grown during this transition period. This certification, the OTA hopes, will put money in farmers’ pockets and encourage them to take the leap into organic certification.” – NPR, The Salt

What Will Happen to our Food System if Trump Builds A Wall?

muscadine-1004185_1280Shortages in Labor—A 2014 report by the American Farm Bureau Federation examining several policy scenarios, including essential parts of Trump’s plan to date such as “strengthened border security and…more aggressive use of deportation.” The Farm Bureau strongly condemned this strategy, recommending instead “an adjustment of status for experienced, but unauthorized, agricultural workers”—in other words, making them legal. – Modern Farmer

apple-191004_1280Prices Will Go Up—“The report also found that stemming the flow of undocumented immigrants across the southern border—which currently accounts for between 50 and 70 percent of the agricultural workforce—would cause retail food prices to jump an average of five to six percent, and that the quantity and variety of grocery store produce would diminish.”

Of course, lest we forget, production will ultimately decrease and farmers will lose big… Visit my take action page to fight back now! 

What Will Happen to Dairy Cows When Their Farmers Are No Longer Aroundcows-cow-203460_1280

Since the USDA has begun conducting a check up on the financial health of America’s dairy industry, it has become clear that milking cows is not what it used to be… Yet dairy farms are still the biggest agricultural product in Vermont, however, are rapidly declining overall in the U.S.

Gene Editing Could Be Easier Than Microsoft, It’s not a GMO, so it falls outside of all regulation! This is really scary!!

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: Urban Forests Rising

tree-1706648_1280This article published by the Guardian outlines the many fascinating benefits of trees in urban spaces, including their capacity to improve public health perception, increase cortisol levels, drive income-levels up, cool down neighborhoods and decrease energy-use, as well as perform important ecological tasks.


Animal Welfare Happening Nowsheep-678196_1280

Food Stamps Go Online