Help Save Healthy School Food; Community Garden Growing; Women of the Earth United; Block the Bayer-Monsanto Merger

Donate To CSPI to Help Save Healthy School Foodapple-256263_1280

“The 2010 Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act has led to school breakfasts and lunches that are lower in salt, sugar, and refined grains—and soda in schools is a thing of the past. Best of all, there are more fresh fruits and vegetables on kids’ trays than ever before! Let’s let Donald Trump and radical Republicans return junk food to schools.”

Contribute Now to the Center for Science in the Public Interest!

30 days to raise $ for the Long Island Community Gardens Association

vegetables-790022_1280“The Long Island Community Gardens Association (LICGA) is an umbrella organization for new and established community gardeners across Long Island. Aiming to be a one-stop resource for the more than 40 community gardens in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, the LICGA provides education about garden sustainability, best practices, food justice, food policy and development; hosts informational workshops and seminars; and promotes gardening at the community level. The LICGA supports ecological gardening practices and plans to establish a seed/seedling exchange program, facilitating access and empowering people to grow their own organic food, thereby reducing the epidemic of chronic disease.”

Please, visit the campaign online here!

Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) as one of your year-end contributions.

globe-1335720_1280My friend and recent radio show guest, Sally Edwards, joined the WVE board of directors this year and she feels absolutely honored to be part of this “small but mighty” environmental health organization based in Missoula, Montana.

WVE works to amplify women’s voices to eliminate toxic chemicals in consumer products, focusing on products that are specifically marketed to women such as personal care, cleaning, cosmetics, and feminine hygiene products.  If you are interested in learning more then, please, visit WVE’s web site here!

They also have a cool new video that you can watch here.

“Your contribution fuels a powerful national network of women who are fighting for our rights to safe products and a healthy planet. Together, we are educating and mobilizing consumers, enacting laws that protect our well-being, and moving corporations to make the changes we want and need.” – Sally Edwards

If you are interested in making donating then, please, click here!

Let’s Block the Bayer-Monsanto Merger!

Chemical Spraying

“Bayer and Monsanto?! This mega-merger is a BIG deal: combining these two corporate giants gives them enormous market share in GMO seeds, pesticides and more.

This proposal follows a troubling trend of giant agriculture company mergers — leaving just a few companies in control over the building blocks of our food system.

This consolidated market will leave farmers with fewer options and higher prices, and fewer real options for us in the grocery store.

Do you think Federal Regulators should defend against corporate control of our food supply, or simply put, reel in unchecked gargantuan Mono-business? Then, please, join me and tell them to block Bayer and Monsanto from merging. Together we can prevent further corruption and oppression in our systems, but we need to act now!

Sign the petition to the Department of Justice to reject this mega-merger!

Don’t let Monsanto & Corrupt Corporate Organic Kill GMO Labelingherbicide-587589_1280

Speaking of “unholy alliances” and corporate interests, remember when earlier this summer the DARK Act was passed??? We are still fighting to win the war, though we lost the battle there is still much hope. In case you forgot; Monsanto, Just Label It, the Organic Trade Association, Stonyfield, Smucker’s, Organic Valley and Whole Foods were able to usher in the QR code (and for some, “trample on our basic democratic rights in order to protect their corporate profits”)!

“Thanks to Monsanto and this corrupt cabal of organic executives all the provisions of the new bill are optional and would exempt 85% of GMOs planted today, including those from all of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO seeds. This bill is essentially a “Non-labeling” bill, but provides Monsanto and America’s most corrupt food companies the chance to continue to avoid GMO labels, while keeping the doors open for a flood of campaign cash from the likes of Monsanto, DuPont, Pepsi, Smucker’s and General Mills.” -Food Democracy Now

Although Vermont’s historic GMO labeling bill was overruled, 64 other countries DO label GMOs, so why not America? You can still join the #ConsumersRighttoKnow and Join Now in making a call to voice your concern over the new labeling of GMOs 2.0 in Organics!

Please, take 30 seconds to call the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121.