Keep School Food Healthy; Protect Pebble Mine; Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Rising Ocean Temperatures

Keep School Food Healthy and Nutritious for Children Everywhere and support the Center for Science in the Public Interest and the Farm to School MovementRelated image

Help CSPI protect the progress we’ve all fought so hard for—less salt, more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, no trans fat, and most soda and junk food removed from school food programs—by contributing to their campaign.

Science is crucial for enacting real change in public policy and, in turn, our society. We need science to debunk the myths proselytized by greedy politicians and leading corporations only interested in protecting their profit, and not consumers or our public health. You can help by donating to entities with integrity such as the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which is working hard to raise awareness and combat the corrupt efforts of our Trump administration.

“The healthy food served in our public schools is the only nutritious meal some low-income children receive all day. The Trump administration wants to change that. And not for the better. More salt. More refined grains. More sugary drinks. That’s what Mr. Trump thinks will make school meals great again.” – CSPI Help us fight back against Trump’s attack on the school meal program.

Meanwhile, American Farmland Trust is working with Albany to increase local produce on student’s plates. Please join me in supporting their work. See their message below;

Today, we have an unprecedented opportunity to put more local food on the plates of New York kids. 
But we need your help. 
Governor Cuomo has proposed $10 million in the State Budget to quadruple the current school meal reimbursement to 25 cents for schools purchasing 30 percent of their ingredients from New York farms. He has also proposed to double the state’s investment in Farm to School grants to $1.5 million.
This is a historic opportunity. In order to make it happen, your representatives need to hear from you! 
Can you take five minutes today to tell your elected officials why it’s important for our children to eat fresh, healthy food grown on New York farms while they’re in school?
Let’s not let this opportunity pass us by. 

David Haight 
New York State Director
American Farmland Trust 


Protect Pebble Mine By Joining Friends of the Earth


“Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency decided not to greenlight Pebble Mine — a destructive project that could destroy my home region, Alaska’s Bristol Bay. This decision came after Friends of the Earth members like you sent more than 100,000 comments to the EPA opposing the project. It shows that with massive public pressure, we can stop the Trump administration from destroying our environment. But the EPA’s decision still leaves room for the project to go forward. Meanwhile, the developers are trying to obtain needed funding with the much larger First Quantum Minerals for $1.5 billion to advance their destructive project. We need your help to stop them!” -Friends of the Earth

Stop mining companies from destroying Alaska’s Bristol Bay: Take action now!


Daily News Headline: Ocean dead zones have quadrupled because of climate change

“Rising ocean temperatures caused by an increased amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is choking ocean waters of oxygen. It’s basically making our oceans (and our planet) uninhabitable!
This is not an exaggeration! And our climate-denying President hasn’t made a peep!” – 314 Action team

SIGN HERE → Sign this petition to DEMAND Congress take action to address climate change and SAVE our oceans →




“Climate change’s PROVEN realities are slowly seeping into our daily life. Our planet is facing an enormous crisis, and the conservative, climate-denying majority in Congress is doing NOTHING.”

We need to make our voices heard. Help 314 action to collect 30,000 signatures to DEMAND Congress take action — before it’s too late.