Hi All,
I finally got my seedling in! I am so happy! I made the difficult decision to not plant in my larger field garden this season, and to keep my garden small enough to handle myself, so I am only planting my three raised beds. My life has gotten extra busy, now that I am also
working full time with our family business, Jaroff Studio. (If you need a stainless steel and glass staircase, we can help you out!) I’m also looking forward to visiting my local farmers markets, which I haven’t gone to in years, since I was busy mentoring interns, growing, harvesting and eating what I grew!
Slow Flowers Blooming on Long Island!
I’m looking forward to working with my Slow Food North Shore board to create more events for our community. Our CSA Fair in March was a huge success, in spite of the bad weather, but this is our first “post Covid” indoor event. On Friday, June 17th, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Slow Food North Shore will be joining forces with Hometown Flower Company to bring you a Slow Flowers, “Flowers in a Bag” workshop, using local, seasonal flowers, to create memorable designs. Space is limited, so please reserve your spot now!! Send an email to info@slowfoodnorthshore.org for more information.
This week on the Progressive Radio Network, Richard L. Anderson, BloomAgainBrooklyn‘s Chief
Marketing Officer will Joins Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network!
For over 40 years, Rick Anderson has been a successful, marketing communications and public relations strategist to a wide range of public and private companies, government agencies and nonprofits. He was the co-director of the financial services practice at Fleishman-Hillard and co-founder of the Global Consulting Group, now a part of Nasdaq. Rick began his career with Textron and later served as Ombudsman and Assistant Secretary of Economic Affairs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under two governors. Rick now brings his talents to the non-profit organization, BloomAgainBrooklyn, an organization committed to reducing social isolation and loneliness among vulnerable populations by creating connections and conversations through repurposed flowers.
I hope you can join us on Thursday and learn more about the work of BloomAgainBrooklyn!
My Radio Show
iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network is live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST. To tune in to the live show, just navigate to PRN.fm and listen in! Or, if you prefer, listen on the phone by calling 712-775-6850.
If you miss our live show please listen to the iTunes Podcast by downloading the App.
You can call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest by dialing 888-874-4888. If you are not listening live you can still ask me a question by calling 862-800-6805. Please leave your name, the show you’re calling about (iEat Green with Bhavani), and your question. I will get back to you.
With Love and Gratitude,
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