I wanted to share with you the link to this mornings interview with Chanel Porchia-Albert, the Founder and Executive Director of the Ancient Song Doula Services. The work Chanel has been doing in her community, primarily working with low income, women of color, and immigrants, has been outstanding. She is offering them an opportunity to become informed about their birthing options, and offering support both while they are pregnant, while giving birth and even afterwards, while breastfeeding and dealing with postpartum care. She recognizes the connection between nutrition for the mother, and the health of the baby, and has started a project called Pregnancy Kitchen, where she gives expecting moms the skills necessary to provide healthy food and nutrition to themselves, their babies and their families. If you missed the interview, please check it out here, and share this information with any women you know who is in need. Their website has a lot of useful information and referrals, so check that out at www.ancientsongdoulaservices.com
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