Hi All,
Today I had a great conversation with Patty Lovera, the Assistant Director of Food and Water Watch, and the person who heads up their “Food Team”. We talked about GMO labeling, the overuse of antibiotics and hormones in factory farms and in our food supply, and what happens to animals when they drink contaminated water from the fracking industry. She shared some insight about the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), and Foodopoly, the problem that happens when big food conglomerates ?buy up small organic companies. We also touched on the issue of gas coming in from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Region, tainted with radon, being piped into NYC apartments. It was a very informative interview and I look forward to hearing Patty speak on Food Policy, at the upcoming Long Island Food Conference, on April 25th at Hofstra University. To listen to todays interview, click below.
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