Hi All,
We are living in crazy times! I am so thankful to be able to surround myself with a community that shares my concerns, embraces my passions, and hopes for a better future. Food, a common thread that connects us all, weaves it’s way through all the issues of importance, our health, our environment, our economy, our immigrants, our food insecurity, basically, our life! It is being threatened in every way, with our current administration. Let’s all make a commitment to ourselves, that we will come together in solidarity, and make those phone calls, show up at the protests, write those letters, and engage in our democratic society. We can not take it for granted anymore!
This evening, I had the pleasure of attending Slow Food NYC’s Food Almanac 2017, at the Brooklyn Winery. It was an evening to learn, listen and ask questions from a panel involved in food policy, labor, immigration, and farming issues. With the new administration and expected cuts, it was an opportunity to speculate and discuss what will happen to the future of organics if the Environmental Protection Agency is dismantled and regulations are lifted? What will happen to the Farm Bill? How will farmers survive if their work force is deported? What happens when millions of people are cut off from the SNAP program and other poverty safety net programs? It looks like we might find out! But we have to keep fighting! At this evenings event, it was stressed and emphasized, that calling, writing and showing up, are much more effective ways of contacting your Congressman and Representatives, then just signing petitions. And they do pay attention! So, please keep up the pressure and do your part!
Unfortunately, I haven’t heard any talk of the new administration putting pressure on Big Pharma or the FDA to curb the pushing of vaccinations, or sky rocketing prices, and I don’t expect to. Yet, this week, the American College of Pediatricians issued a warning against the HPV vaccine, (a vaccine that was approved by the FDA and CDC) saying they feel that safety concerns regarding the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Gardasil should be made public, and that the vaccine can cause Premature Ovarian Failure (premature menopause), a condition that would prevent a women from getting pregnant. I must say, I was not shocked! I was more shocked by the millions of people who rushed their young girls into their pediatricians office and gave them the vaccine! In this day and age, we MUST realize that ‘big business as usual’ is about profit, and that we MUST not blindly trust anyone who is trying to sell us something. We MUST always do our own research, and follow the money trail. Why is it that there is a new, huge, pharmacy on every corner? Do we really need them? And look, they also sell fake food! Resist! Don’t shop there!
Speaking of not shopping at pharmacies for food, this week’s guest on the Progressive Radio Network will tell you where you should shop! Julie Castillo, author of Eat Local For Less, will share with you her family’s journey on transitioning from a traditional American diet, to eating and sourcing local, sustainably produced food. Julie is a
college anthropology instructor, writing instructor, enrichment curriculum designer, and entrepreneur, as well as a writer and futurist. She holds an MA in socio-cultural anthropology with a specialty in gender studies and ethno-psychology. Julie co-wrote two novels and thirteen nonfiction books—including two New York Times bestsellers! She has taught creative writing and publishing at local community colleges since 2007. In Eat Local for Less, Julie helps readers gain the practical knowledge they need to act on their choices, and also validates their decision by showing how local eating helps to create a healthier, happier, fairer, and more sustainable society.
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