Hi All,
I always come back from a March in Washington feeling energized and motivated to connect with others to keep the momentum going. This is a particularly crucial time, and there are so many grassroots organizations taking up the unifying cause to limit the damage we allow Donald Trump to make on our country. Whether you choose to put your energy into Women’s Rights and Pro Choice, Freedom of
Religion, Black Lives Matter, Immigration, Food Equity, Sexual Orientation, Conflict Resolution, Peace, Climate Change, Global and Fair Trade, Limits of Corporate America, or Earning a Living Wage, the one common denominator is our new administration and the damage they can cause. It is imperative that we all find our voices, and make sure they are heard!
President Trump is wasting no time in erasing any progress we have made in the last 8 years. He has wiped the issue of Climate Change from the US Government website and he just signed an order to make abortions more difficult for women around the world! We must stay vigilant! This is a first and easy “Take Action” that we all can do today! Send a note to Donald Trump with a simple message:
“Don’t make America sick again. Improve Obamacare. Don’t repeal it.”
One envelope for every ACA supporter in your household…even if they are under 18 years old.
Just that simple message. Put it in an envelope, and put a stamp on it.
Mail it Today:
Pres. Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20500
Can you imagine the picture of 53 MILLION letters arriving at the White House this week? It will be a mountain. That image might help deter the Republicans from killing the most substantial improvement to American healthcare since the discovery of Penicillin. Do it today!
Please send this email to 20 (or more) of your friends, neighbors and fellow Americans. Ask them to do the same.
This also helps out the US Postal Service, with about $20 Million of stamp sales.
Don’t send emails to Trump…they don’t photograph well!
This week, it is my pleasure to have Dr. Jennifer Harris as my guest on PRN. She is the Director of Marketing Initiatives at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity and Associate Professor in Allied Health Sciences at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Harris conducts research to examine the extent and impact of exposure to food marketing, especially on children and adolescents. Her research findings have been widely used by the health community and policymakers to improve the food marketing environment surrounding children.
Dr. Harris received her B.A. from Northwestern University and M.B.A. in Marketing from The Wharton School. Before returning to graduate school, she worked in marketing for eighteen years, including at American Express as a Vice President in consumer marketing and as a principal in a marketing strategy consulting firm. Dr. Harris completed her PhD in Social Psychology at Yale University with Dr. John Bargh and Dr. Kelly Brownell.
Dr. Harris’ current research focuses on marketing and public health, with an emphasis on the effects of food marketing on behaviors, attitudes and motivation in children and adults. She has conducted extensive research to quantify the amount and types of food marketing seen by young people and its impact on their health and diets. She also has written on the psychological and behavioral effects of marketing to children and teens on their diets and health. Her current research areas of focus include targeted marketing to black and Hispanic youth, the extent and impact of marketing to youth on mobile devices, and the effects of food marketing on what and how parents feed their babies and young children. Please join me on Thursday as Dr. Harris shares her knowledge with us, and helps us navigate ways to shield our children from the bombardment of food marketing.
Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST. To tune in, navigate to PRN.fm and click the “Listen Live” button on the left. Also try downloading the PRN mobile app, and take the station with you wherever you go! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.
If you can’t tune in at that time, you can listen to the show in the PRN archives, or through a direct phone line to my archives. Just dial 1-701-719-0880, and you can listen to the past 5 weeks of shows! Of course you can also access the shows through my website, or through iTunes. Please “like” iEat Green’s Facebook page and feel free to rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website. Thank you all for your support.
With love and gratitude,
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