iEat Green Joins Many, in Celebrating the Rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline! Now We Can Turn Our Attention to the TPP! iEat Green Interviews Adam Weissman, To Help Us Understand the TPP! Thanksgiving Feast and Coat Drive Are Right Around the Corner!

Hi Everyone,

What great news we all shared last week, when President Obama rejected, once and for all, the Keystone XL Pipeline! This is a huge step in setting our priorities to reduce Global Warming, and to put those priorities to work. These same priorities need to come out on top in regards to the Port Ambrose LNG Facility or the Residential Towers being developed on the waterfront in Glen Cove. We need to stay vigilant, and work together as a group, to systematically take these destructive projects down!

November 24th is our big day, and I need your help! I need everyone to help me collect coats and winter clothing items, along with blankets and sleeping bags, for our neighbors who are in need.  For 21 years, I have been partnering with the River Fund NY, and their mobile food pantry, to bring a spectacular, homemade, Thanksgiving Feast, to the folks in and around Rufus King Park in Jamaica, Queens. As much as they love the food, they really need the coats to stay warm during the winter. Please reach out to your places of work, your schools, your churches and synagogues, and to your IMG_0776neighbors, to help me gather enough coats so that everyone can get one. We typically feed over 600 people in the park, with enough food left over to supply some local homeless shelters. There are many ways you can get involved. You can sign up to volunteer for the washing, prepping and cooking, you can donate a turkey (preferably cooked, but raw is OK too), you can donate money directly to the River Fund NY ( a 501-c3 org., mention Thanksgiving event) and you can help us collect coats, and other winter clothing items to distribute to those in need. To drop off coats, email me at; ; To sign up to volunteer, click here;

My guest this week is someone who does just that! Adam Weissman, Founder of the Global Justice for Animals and the Environment, has been a vigilant advocate in opposing the Trans Pacific Partnership, because of the detrimental imagesimpacts this trade deal will have on people, animals and the environment. At first, we didn’t like this deal because it was being negotiated in secret, and there was no transparency. Now that all 6,000 pages were released for approval, we need to look towards experts, to help us make sense of it all. Please join me on Thursday, as Adam Weissman shares his knowledge, about this very important trade deal.

Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in, navigate to and click the “Listen Live” button on the left. Also try downloading the PRN mobile app, and take the station with you wherever you go! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.

If you can’t tune in at that time, you can listen to the show in the PRN archives, or on my website, or through iTunes. Please “like” iEat Green’s Facebook page and feel free to rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website. Thank you all for your support.

With love and gratitude,
