Hi All,
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there!! Thank you for your love and commitment to raising conscious children who can grow up and help to save this world!!
With headlines like “In the Trump Administration, Science is Unwelcome”, “Where Police Cameras and Web Users See You”, “Tech Moguls and Killer Robots”, “Trump Confronts Allies Over Excluding Russia and Barriers to Trade” or “Trump Upends Global Trade Order Built by US”, it’s no surprise that depression,
anxiety, opioid addiction, and suicide rates are soaring. It is hard to stay sane with so much chaos surrounding us. While food can not cure the ills of our administration and world conflict, it can help you personally in keeping you happy and feeling good. More and more articles and scientific research are showing that the foods you eat can impact your state of mind. And of course, don’t forget to
breath. I mean deep, controlled, slow breathing to help calm your nerves and bring about a more relaxed state of mind, like in meditation. And lastly, bring together your family and friends and create great meals, using fresh, local produce that you grew or bought from your local farmer. It will help create the sweetness needed, to counter-balance the insanity that surrounds us!
With so many issues that need our attention, it often feels useless and a waste of time to show up and stand out on a street corner to protest what we believe in, but protest we must! We must stay vigilant. We can’t give up! When Governor Cuomo drove past the group of us outside the Crest Hollow Country Club this past Wednesday, protesting his support of the fracking infra-structure, I know he saw us, and he knew everyone else driving past us, saw us! Imagine how much more powerful it would have been if there were hundreds of us, and not just 20 of us. I want to send a big thank you the the folks at NY Communities for Change and Food and Water Watch for helping to organize the rally, and I hope to see more of you in the coming months, standing in solidarity with the organizations working to protect our environment and our freedoms.
Please join me on Thursday, in welcoming Patrick O’Neill back to my show! Patrick is the Founder and CEO of Amp Your Good (Amp Your Good is a Founding Partner of the #GiveHealthy Movement), and it has been such a pleasure watching his company grow from a small start up to a major game changer in the food drive movement. After graduating from West Point and serving on active duty in the US Army, Patrick began a private sector career spanning real estate, energy, technology and social enterprise. He has founded, co-founded and led several companies and has served on the board of directors of for profit, not for profit, public and private companies. His mission driven work began in his local church while growing up, and continued at West Point, and in the U
S Army. Amp Your Good combines Pat’s passion for disruptive technology, health and for making a difference in the lives of others. Please join us tomorrow, and find out how Amp Your Good has changed the ball field, when it comes to your local food drive, and delivers fresh fruits and vegetable to those in need.
Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST. To tune in, navigate to PRN.fm and click the “Listen Live” button on the left.
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If you missed the show, you can listen to it in the PRN archives, or through the PRN app. Of course you can also access the shows through my website.
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With love and gratitude,
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