This week, the guest on my radio show, iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network, was Jonny Dubowsky, founder of Jonny Lives, a touring rock band, Rock ‘n Renew, a non-profit organization, and CEO of Kama Aina Earth Products.
Speaking with him was a reminder of what one, passionate individual can do to make a difference in this world. Back in 2005, before setting out on a 25,000 mile tour across the country, he researched and retrofitted his touring bus to run on used frying oil, instead of gasoline. He shared that experience with the producer of Al Gore’s documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and she encouraged him to use it as a springboard to engage the young people in his audiences to become involved in the sustainability movement. That is how Rock ‘n Renew was born! Rock ‘n Renew is a non-profit organization that helps musicians, students, and their communities live and act in sustainable ways. They recognize the connection between the health of our culture and the health of the planet, and uses art and music to generate excitement about green solutions as they custom-design eco-blueprints for concert tours, school gardens, businesses, and events. Check out their website for upcoming events at
As the interview continued, I learned about Jonny’s latest venture, and that is a new company called Kama Aina Earth Products in Hawaii, which is bringing back an ancient tradition of Bokashi composting, which is a fermentation process of composting, which re-introduces micro-organisms into the soil. His products help people set up that system in their homes, or they can purchase the compost directly. Bokashi composting is easy and doesn’t smell and takes up a lot less space than traditional composting. It sounds brilliant to me!
Have a listen to the show!
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The recipe from this show is Miso Marinated Tofu Cutlets with Leek Purée.
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