My guest yesterday on iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network was Kathleen Furey. Kathleen is a Food Advocate and has been working with Jeffrey Smith and The Institute for Responsible Technology, to educate people about the dangers of GMO’s and about California’s Proposition 37. She was the lead researcher in the new documentary Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives.
One of the many topics we talked about was the contamination of GMO products in infant formula, as well in mother’s breast milk. Did you know that if you eat products containing GMO’s while pregnant, your unborn baby will have the toxins in their blood? Also, GMO’s can cross over into a mothers breast milk, and then to their baby? And then I just recently heard that Chinese scientists have genetically modified cows to create milk that is “supposedly” as good and nutritious as real breast milk! It’s so ridiculous, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! Please educate yourself about the dangers of GMO’s and spread the word. Tell everyone you know in California to “Vote Yes for Proposition 37!”
Have a listen to the show. (If you do not see the audio player below, download Adobe Flash Player here.)
To read more about GMO toxins in unborn children, click here.
To read more about GMO cows, bred to create human breast milk, click here.
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The recipe from this show is Rainbow Vegetable Soup.
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