Hi Everyone,
I had a fascinating conversation today with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride about her work in helping parents heal their autistic children through the GAPS diet. First we discussed the prevalence of autism in our society, and how it has been growing every year, so much so, that 1 in 35 children born today are autistic and that by the year 2025, they are predicting that 1 out of 2 children will be on the spectrum. It is a huge epidemic that is not being addressed adequately. Dr. Campbell-McBride believes the root cause of the problem is connected to the gut, and to the digestive system. Just as soil is a microbial community, so is our digestive system, and we are killing it with all of the pesticides, herbicides, GMO’s, antibiotics and processed foods we eat. Her GAPS diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) is designed to not just heal the gut, but to actually re-build the gut wall from scratch, using no grains, no starch, no sugar, and lots of animal products and animal fats. It’s a very different approach then most of the diets I promote, but she has had tremendous success healing children with autism,
including her own child. All I know is, that if my child had autism, I would try anything.
It’s all explained in her book, Gut And Psychology Syndrome. Natural Treatment Of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression And Schizophrenia.
If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here.
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