I just finished my interview with Patti Wood, the Founder and Executive Director of Grassroots Environmental Education, about the impacts our environment is having on our health, especially our children. It is no secret that we are exposed to toxic chemicals everyday, but how they effect children and their developing bodies is really alarming. The safety standards for how much exposure is safe, whether we’re talking about chemicals such as glyphosate, phthalates, fluoride, or PCBs, or electro-magnetic radiation, is established using adult males, not children, who are more vulnerable because of their size and because they are still developing. For this reason, Grassroots Environmental Education prioritizes educating the public about these issues and working in Albany and DC to create legislation that protects our children.
Their programs, such as The Baby Safe Program, where you can download a free brochure “What You Need to Know About Wireless Radiation and Your Baby”, or their Child Safe School program, where they educate school officials and empower parents to rid the school of toxic cleaning products, lawn pesticides, idling buses spewing diesel exhaust, synthetic turf fields or wireless radiation is having a positive impact on our children’s health, both nationally and globally.
We also discussed the issue of wireless technology, the use of it in schools, and in our homes. We all love our cell phones, in fact, many of us are actually addicted to them, but there is also a negative side to using them that most of us don’t pay attention to. You should never hold the phone right up to your ear, or next to your body, and don’t put it in your pocket, or bra. There are many studies showing the increase of cancer linked to the use of cell phones along with behavioral issues in children. We are also dealing with the roll out of smart meters that the utility companies are installing in our homes, and the expansion of “the smart home” where everything is hooked up wireless. This is dangerous and we all need to educate ourselves on ways to limit our exposure. On Long Island and in many other communities, you have the option of “opting out” of the smart meters. PSEG, my local utility company charges a monthly fee for opting out, but it is worth it!
If you missed this interview, please have a listen. We discussed so many important issues that you need to know about, and definitely check out the Grassroots Environmental Education website, where you will find links and resources to educate yourself further.
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