iEat Green Shares Interview with Radio Host, Melinda Hemmelgarn!

Hi All,

If you missed my show last week with Melinda Hemmelgarn, don’t fret, you can listen to it here! We had such a great connection and were able to discuss things like food policy, the use of pesticides and herbicides in our food, the over use of antibiotics, and the unjust marketing of unhealthy foods to lower income families. We both started out studying art, and we both ended up being food activists and promoting healthy food to the public!

Melinda is the host of Food Sleuth Radio, and is an award-winning writer and registered dietitian. With 35 years’ experience in clinical, academic and public health nutrition, she’s a trusted consumer advocate, and an “investigative nutritionist.”

We discussed how the media plays a big part in the messages that the public hears, whether it’s through radio, TV, newspapers or direct marketing, and how the stories we tell can have a great impact on what they eat, where they eat, and how they eat. Melinda is very in-tuned to this, and she consciously applies her critical thinking skills to the media messages she shares on her radio show. Her goal is to improve “food literacy,” so people have a better understanding of where their food comes from, how it was grown, what sprays or food additives are on their food, how it got to their plate, and how to eat for optimum health.

You can have a listen here!