iEat Green Shares Interview with Roxanne Zimmer, Master Gardener and Community Horticulturist at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Suffolk County!

Hi All,

I just finished my interview with Roxanne Zimmer, Ph.D., about the work she is doing to educate the community, students, and Master Gardeners about growing food, global food issues, and best garden practices.  She is the Community Horticulturist at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Suffolk County, and teaches classes on global food issues at SUNY Stonybrook. She helps people connect the dots between where their food comes from, how it is grown, who grew it, and it got to your plate. Many of the community programs that she teaches are at libraries, and are open to anyone who would like to register. Check out the Cornell Cooperative Extension websites in Suffolk and in Nassau, for more info on the programs they offer.

If you missed our interview, you can catch it here;


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