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iEat Green Shares Interview with Ryan Madden from Long Island Progressive Coalition

My guest, Ryan Madden, joined me this past week and shared a wealth of inspiring, yet critical, information as we work to move towards social and environmental justice. Madden actually lives in Queens, NY, but works in Massapequa as the Sustainability Organizer for the Long Island Progressive Coalition! Though he has been interested in politics and environmental studies for over a decade, he has spent the last 6 years as a climate activist and a grassroots mobilizer, organizing bus rides and rally events which energize citizens and foster collective action for social and political change.

The Long Island Progressive Coalition (LIPC) is a nonprofit organization, dedicated to promoting sustainable development, revitalizing local communities, enhancing human dignity, creating effective democracy, and achieving economic, social and racial justice. In addition to being a member of NYRenews (a coalition of more than 140 grassroots organizations) working to bring the next People’s Climate March to New York City on Thursday, September 6th at 5:30pm in Battery Park), the LIPC is working with Resonant Energy to facilitate affordable solar energy for non-profits and religious organizations. The campaign is called Power Up Solar. For more information, or if you’d like to help bring solar energy to a nonprofit or faith-based institution in your community, please reach out to Power Up Solar.

Additionally, they are organizing a day of Civil Disobedience on September 7th. We will Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice, and I hope you will march with us! Other Climate Marches will take place in DC and across the country on Saturday, September 8th, as a national movement.

Please join me in support of LIPC and get involved! In case you missed the interview, listen below!


