Hi All,
I had a great interview this past Thursday with the co-founder of Permaculture Action Network, Ryan Rising, and his partner, Alexa Levy, a Community Organizer and public school teacher. The Permaculture Action Network is a continent-wide collective that mobilizes thousands of people to take direct action on regenerative projects with a diversity of groups and organizations. They partner with performing artists, cultural events, music festivals, and other grassroots groups, working to inspire more people to work towards building community while building sustainable, regenerative ecosystems.
Their model is to build the type of community we all would love to be living in, with a symbiotic relationship to the natural world. The organization is totally funded through crowd-sourcing and community donations from the people they inspire.
If you missed our interview, you can listen to it below. To find out more information about the Permaculture Action Network, check out their Facebook page or Instagram, and consider making a donation to this wonderful organization this holiday season!!
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