iEat Green Shares Interview with Samantha Levy from American Farmland Trust on Climate and Farming!

Samantha Levy, American Farmland Trust’s Climate Policy Manager, joined Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network to talk about the climate  crisis and its impact on farmers !

Hi Everyone,


I had a great conversation on Thursday with Samantha Levy about her new role as the Climate Policy Manager at the American Farmland Trust. She is now working on addressing the climate changes across the country, and how they are effecting farmers and our food supply, where prior to this position, Samantha mainly focused on these issues in New York. Samantha’s work is to help farmers reduce their green house gas emissions, sequester more carbon in soils, and in some cases, help locate land to host solar fields. The bottom line is that she is working to help protect farmland across the country. Our country is facing a real dilemma. Over 40% of our farmers are over 65, and 92% of them don’t have a next generation person to take it over. Once we lose this land to development, farming it is not coming back, so we need to incentivize farming and make it more lucrative so more people want to do it. 

In President Biden’s “Build Back Better Act” $28 billion is allocated for programs that will support farmers and ranchers in adopting conservation practices, permanently protecting farmland, and improving soil health. Please let your Senators know you want them to pass this Act by signing American Farmland Trust’s petition below!

Tell Your Senators to Provide Funding for Farmers in the Build Back Better Act!

If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here.




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