Hi All,
This mornings interview with Steven Druker, was another eye opening moment for me. Even though I know it happens, every time I learn about the fraud and manipulation that takes place with the public in regard to science and the media, I am shocked and infuriated! How is it allowed to happen, and how do they continuously get away with it? By they, I am talking about corporate America and big business. The conflict of interest that is rampant in our government, and the ties to the bio-tech industry, has got to come to the surface, and Steven’s book helps to do just that! Steven is a public interest attorney who founded the Alliance for Bio-Integrity and, as its executive director, initiated a lawsuit that forced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to divulge its files on genetically engineered (GE) foods. This revealed that politically influenced administrators had covered up the extensive warnings of their own scientists about the abnormal risks,
misrepresented the facts, and then allowed these novel products onto the market without requiring the testing that’s mandated by federal food safety law. In the book, there is a chapter that focuses on the malfunction of the mainstream media, which Jane Goodall says is the most frightening chapter of all!
If you missed our interview, you can listen to it below.
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