iEat Green Supports Community Solidarity; Investing Time in Relationships is Good For Your Health! Liuba Grechen Shirley Has What it Takes! Gwendolyn Hallsmith Talks Public Banking with Bhavani on PRN

Hi Everyone,

It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to a close, but Labor Day weekend is only a week away. That being said, it’s time for kids to start getting ready for school, but for many children, putting together a backpack of supplies is a burden their families can’t manage. Many local organizations across the country come together to help, and here on Long Island we have Community Solidarity leading the way, and they need our help!

To do that they’ve set up a really great page where you can “Get Tickets” to help Long Island students in need! 

Different tickets will help you donate school supplies at their food share locations, or you can donate funds directly, that will be used to purchase school supplies or computers for students in need! Below is a list of items they are collecting;

Notebooks (spiral & composition), backpacks, art supplies (markers, colored pencils, crayons, sketch pads, water colors, paint, chalk, clay and needed erasers), pens/pencils, loose leaf paper, graph paper, 3-ring binders, folders, compasses, rulers, lunch boxes, calculators, staplers, glue, glue sticks and safety scissors. Children’s clothing (sneakers, pants, shirts and socks) is also greatly needed.

Once you’ve got these items you can, stop by any of their 5 weekly food share locations and join them as they share them directly with families that could use them. Or if you have a lot of supplies you can call their 24/7 hotline (631.223.4370) to arrange a pick up, at a location and time of your convenience. You can also pledge to bring school supplies by clicking here and selecting “get tickets”.

Please, share the following link in your circles, on social media, etc… and help Community Solidarity help our local kids in need! 

This morning on NRP, I was listening to a report about social isolation, and the impact it can have on ones mental health. I wasn’t surprised at what I was hearing, except for the fact that the suicide rate among males aged 50-54 has increased 50% since 1999. That’s huge, and they were attributing it to loneliness and social isolation. The way we interact with people has changed in society, with the internet, social media, movies at home, and for many people, working from home. We have less interaction with actual people! Julianne Holt-Lunstad and her co-authors, analyzed nearly 150 studies and found that people with weak social relationships had about a 50 percent higher mortality risk than people with stronger ties. They concluded that having weak social relationships is more detrimental to your health than a lack of physical exercise, eating poorly, or being obese. So the takeaway for all of us needs to be, prioritize friendships, talk to strangers, and make social connections throughout your day!

Liuba Grechen Shirley is running for Congress against Republican Peter King, and we finally have a chance to unseat him! Peter King is bad for Long Island, he is bad for New York, and he is bad for the country! He supports the Muslim Ban, voted to repeal the ACA and against the Dream Act, and his environmental record is abominable. Luiba has the endorsement of Emily’s List, National Organization of Women, Our Revolution, United Auto Workers Union, #VoteProChoice, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Governor Cuomo, Governor Martin O’Malley, Pakistani American Society of New York, Long Island Environmental Voters Forum, The Arena PAC, Square One Politics, Indivisible (National), Off the Sidelines PAC and many local organizations, groups, and politicians. Join us for a fund-raiser and let’s finally unseat Peter King!

The event is in SEA CLIFF, Sun. Sept. 30th, 3pm-5pm: Hosted by the Lieberman Family at the Metropolitan Bistro. Tickets are available here.
My guest this week on the Progressive Radio Network is Gwendolyn Hallsmith, the founder and Executive Director of Global Community Initiatives, a non profit organization working with communities to implement the Earth Charter, which is the first international document in human history to recognize the connections between respect and care for the whole community of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, democracy, non-violence, and peace. She is the author of several books and workbooks: The Key to Sustainable Cities: Meeting Human Needs, Transforming Community Systems; Taking Action for Sustainability: The EarthCAT Guide to Community Development; LASER: Local Action for Sustainable Economic Renewal; Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies; Community Currency; and Vermont Dollars, Vermont Sense. I’ve invited her on to talk to us about Public Banking; what it is, how is it different from a credit union, and why would it be good for our society. Gwendolyn has over 35 years of experience working with municipal, regional, and state government in the United States and internationally.
She has a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Brown University and studied theology at the Andover Newton Theological School, exploring the links between our wisdom traditions, spirituality, and work at the community level. Gwendolyn’s lifelong commitment to environmental, social, and economic justice has led her to question many of our current core economic systems and assumptions. She works to bring our human systems into alignment with key spiritual insights about how we are one human family and that we need to live within Earth’s carrying capacity. She lives in an ecovillage she founded in Cabot, Vermont called the Headwaters Garden and Learning Center with her husband Michael Taub and several other families. She and Michael perform topical songs about economic issues in a small singing group called The New Economistas. Please join me on Thursday as we learn about public banking and its potential role in society.Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in, navigate to and click the “Listen Live” button on the left.PRN has a new app! Just download the app from your phone app store, and take the station with you wherever you go! You’ll be able to listen live or access the archives, all from the app! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.

If you missed the show, you can listen to it in the PRN archives, or through the PRN app. Of course you can also access the shows through my website.

Please “like” iEat Green’s Facebook page, check out my instagram posts, follow me on twitter @iEat_Green and feel free to rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website.

With love and gratitude,
