iEat Green Welcomes Donna Ayer and Missy Cipriano from the Non-Profit, Bread for Life, to PRN!

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that I will be taking a break this summer from broadcasting my show and newsletter, in order to focus on my garden and helping to re-locate our family business, Jaroff Studio. Our new office and shop will be in Garden City, and we are very excited about sharing this space with other artisans.

Therefore, this is my last show until September! I wish you all a summer filled with lots of sunshine, fresh air, and fun, surrounded by the people you love!


iEat Green Welcomes Donna Ayer and Missy Cipriano from the Non-Profit, Bread for Life, to the Progressive Radio Network!

For my last show of the season, I am very excited to welcome Donna Ayer and Missy Cipriano from the non-profit organization Bread for Life. The mission of Bread For Life is to provide food, fellowship and a sense of dignity to those in need. They provide meals, which they serve daily in their kitchen, as well as meals delivered to seniors and home-bound citizens, living within their community.

Donna Ayer, is the Executive Director for Bread for Life.

Poverty and homelessness exist right here in our community. Our clients do not have adequate housing, food, clothing, medicine, for themselves and their families. Poor economic circumstances might be due to mental illness, chronic illness, long-term disability, or underemployment either through job loss or lack of job skills. Many of our neighbors find themselves unable to afford basic necessities but together we can all help.  I am privileged to serve alongside many amazing volunteers who give tirelessly with a welcoming spirit of care, concern and fellowship.  In partnership with many community organizations and individuals, Bread for Life is able to address the challenges of hunger and poverty. It is with a grateful heart for our donors and volunteers and all the ways our community supports the mission of Bread for Life that we are able to fulfill the mission to provide for our neighbors in need.


Missy Cipriano, is the Director of Operations and Volunteer Services.

The wise words of Mother Teresa, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love” is a guiding principle for me.   My long term active service and mentorship in my church and community including establishing a laundry ministry in Bristol called “Laundry Love” has prepared me to serve the needs of our clients.  The position of Volunteer and Administrative Director at Bread for Life is well suited to my heart to serve others.  We have many exciting opportunities for volunteer service at Bread for Life and I am proud to work with our clients and volunteers to meet the mission of Bread for Life.


I hope you can join us on Thursday to learn more about the work Bread for Life is doing, and their new social enterprise, Southington Honey Company!



My Radio Show

iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network is live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in to the live show, just navigate to and listen in! Or, if you prefer, listen on the phone by calling 712-775-6850.

If you miss our live show please listen to the iTunes Podcast by downloading the App., or you can always find the recordings on my website here.

You can call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest by dialing 888-874-4888. If you are not listening live you can still ask me a question by calling 862-800-6805. Please leave your name, the show you’re calling about (iEat Green with Bhavani), and your question. I will get back to you.

With Love and Gratitude,



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