iEat Green Welcomes Lauren Grovesman, Chef, Author and Founder of Hands-On-Foods on PRN

Hi Everybody,

I was shocked when I heard that President Obama and the USDA has approved the first Genetically Modified apple! Are they kidding! I am outraged! With all of the discussions and questions about safety and environmental risks, I can’t believe they are expanding GMO’s to our apples. In the UDSA’s report, they actually use the language “apples?are unlikely to pose a plant pest risk to agriculture” or “deregulation is not likely to have a significant impact on the human environment.” We have seen these types of statements before, and after years of living with industrial agriculture and GMO’s, and seeing the impact that all of these chemicals have had on our environment, and on the health of the public, we all need to be outraged! “Unlikely” and “not likely” are not terms that I am comfortable with. I don’t want to take on those environmental risks, just so that my apples don’t turn brown after cutting. I am also outraged that we do not require the Food and Drug Administration to test the safety of GMO products. We leave that to a voluntary safety review process from the food manufacturer, That’s crazy! Would you serve those apples to your children? I don’t think so! And if the Grocery Manufacturers Association and other big food corporations have it their way, they will see to it that Congress passes a national bill that will not allow the labeling of GMO products. We can not let that happen! We all need to stand up for our right to know!!

make-donationThis week, on the Progressive Radio Network, I am very excited to welcome Lauren Groveman, an internationally-known and respected?cooking and baking instructor, trusted parenting/lifestyle advisor, award-winning?radio and television personality, columnist, cookbook author, devoted wife and mother, and founder of Hands-On-Foods, a culinary program for incarcerated adults and “at risk” youth.

Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.? To tune in, navigate to? click the ?Listen Live? button on the left. Also try downloading the?PRN mobile app, and take the station with you wherever you go! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.

If you can?t tune in at that time, you can listen to the show in the?PRN archives,?or on my website, or through iTunes. You can also access the show by calling in to?The Progressive Radio Network?at 619-550-0869. Please ?like??iEat Green?s Facebook page?and feel free to?rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website. Thank you all for your support.

With love and gratitude,
