The Cornucopia Institute is one of the non-profit organizations I refer to a lot, because they do such a good job at educating the consumer and advocating for policies that protect people, animals, and the planet. They support ecological principles and economic wisdom underlying sustainable and organic agriculture. I feel very honored to have Marie Burcham, JD, the Policy Director at Cornucopia Institute joining me on the Progressive Radio Network. They live in the Pacific Northwest where they actively garden and work to improve the soil wherever they are. Their educational background is in Animal Science and English from the University of California, Davis and they also have a law
degree from Lewis and Clark Law School. After completing law school and passing the Oregon Bar exam, they practiced in animal and agricultural law for a few years before joining Cornucopia’s policy team. Marie is particularly passionate about conservation agricultural, farm ecology, and animal welfare. Marie leads Cornucopia’s regulatory advocacy work and Marie champions authentic organic agriculture in their research, writing, education, and direct advocacy.
I hope you can join us on Thursday to learn more about Cornucopia Institute and the score cards that they publish, rating everything from organic eggs, to organic yogurt, organic beef, cereal and more!
My Radio Show
iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network is live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST. To tune in to the live show, just navigate to and listen in! Or, if you prefer, listen on the phone by calling 712-775-6850.
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With Love and Gratitude,
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