iEat Green Welcomes our River Fund Family! Storm King Art Center Addresses Climate Change Through Art! Catherine Epstein, Founder of the Living Lotus Group, Joins Bhavani on PRN!

Hi Everyone,

Every year, my friends from the River Fund-NY come to visit the iEat Green Homestead, and help me in the garden, and enjoy the fresh bounties in a “Farm to Table” lunch, while cooling off in the pool. This year was no different. After weeding and harvesting baskets full of fresh tomatoes, arugula, radishes, peppers, green beans, cabbages, kale and basil, we moved into the kitchen to transform the bounty into a plentiful lunch. We made Margherita pizzas with fresh, homemade tomato sauce, and Pesto and Goat Cheese pizzas, using the fresh pesto I made from all the basil we harvested, and a whole wheat crust that I rolled out. Along with that, everyone enjoyed a huge salad with all of the greens and tomatoes we harvested, blanched green beans with salt flakes, and Cheese Tortellini with Pesto and Tomatoes. We finished the afternoon with slices of watermelon and organic fruit juice ice pops, along with plenty of hugs and love to go around! I can’t wait for them to come back again!

This weekend, I finally made it up to Storm King Art Center to see their special exhibit; Indicators; Artists on Climate Change. It is an exhibit of 17 artists, using different mediums, illuminating the threats that climate change presents on a biological, personal, cultural, microcosmic and macrocosmic scale. It was interesting to see how each artist approached the topic, and many of the pieces were very dramatic and demoralizing. I hope to get back there again, because I didn’t have enough time to take it all in. I definitely recommend checking out the show, and make sure to give yourself plenty of time to see it all.

My guest this week on the Progressive Radio Network is Catherine Epstein, founder of the Living Lotus Group and Living Lotus Coaching. I invited Catherine on to talk about her new book, The Divine Dining Method, which is a conscious-eating program designed to bring one’s full awareness into the act of eating. Catherine is also an experienced guide and instructor in meditation and mindfulness practices as well as Reiki Master, Graduate Gemologist of the Gemological Institute of America (GG), and Certified Transformational Life Coach (CPC). I hope you can join me on Thursday, as Catherine takes us through her Divine Dining Method, and we discuss the mindfulness approach to making healthy food choices, and how to put love and positive intentions into the act of eating! 

Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in, navigate to and click the “Listen Live” button on the left.

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If you missed the show, you can listen to it in the PRN archives, or through the PRN app. Of course you can also access the shows through my website.

Please “like” iEat Green’s Facebook page, check out my instagram posts, follow me on twitter @iEat_Green and feel free to rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website.

With love and gratitude,
