Hi All,
Banned words? One day we read that the Center for Disease Control is not allowed to use words like fetus or transgender, and the next day we read that the Environmental Protection Agency is spying on their employees that want to protect the environment. Is this really happening? Hello out there… Are you Listening? What are we going to do? We are all in this together, and we have to do something. Please everyone… stand up and be counted. Write and call your Congressmen, Senators, Governors, Town Supervisors, anyone who will listen. We might not have as much money as the corporations, but we have the power of the people. We have People Power!! Let’s use it!
Today I got to witness the love that can come from the power of people, at our Annual Christmas Event for the Less Fortunate. This was our 23rd year, partnering with the River Fund-NY Food Pantry, to bring the spirit of the holidays to the community surrounding Rufus King Park in Jamaica, Queens. There was more than enough food for the 500 plus people that were there, and every
child got to visit with Santa and left with a few presents under their arm. It was a very special day, and the beautiful weather made it even better!
This week on the Progressive Radio Network, I am happy to introduce to you Lorrie Clevenger, a long time food justice advocate, a full time farmer and part owner of Rise and Root Farm in Orange County, NY. I first met Lorrie back in 2008 while she was working with Just Food, and I have watched her follow her passion for good, clean and fair food ever since. Please join me on Thursday, as Lorrie shares with us the work of Rise and Root Farm, the Black Urban Growers, and Farm School NYC, (both of which she is a founding member of.)
Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST. To tune in, navigate to PRN.fm and click the “Listen Live” button on the left. Also try downloading the PRN mobile app, and take the station with you wherever you go! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.
If you can’t tune in at that time, you can listen to the show in the PRN archives, or through a direct phone line to my archives. Just dial 1-701-719-0880, and you can listen to the past 5 weeks of shows! Of course you can also access the shows through my website, or through iTunes. Please “like” iEat Green’s Facebook page and feel free to rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website. Thank you all for your support.
With love and gratitude,
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