iEat Green’s Interview with Clara Lyle from Outstanding in the Field

Outstanding in the Fiels

Hi Everybody,

Yesterday, I had a great interview with Clara Lyle, the Photographer, Social Media Manager, and Crew Member of Outstanding in the Field. Listening to the stories about the creative, seasonal, Farm to Table events that they put on, made me feel jealous that I am not a part of it. They are so awesome! First they connect with a local chef, who is already connected to the local agricultural landscape, making use of the local farms, wineries, breweries and staff. They design a menu according to what is in season and what is typical of the region, and then invite the public to participate in a magical event. Each event includes a talk from the farmer, a tour of the farm, and an introduction from the founder, Jim Denevan. To learn more about Outstanding in the Field, have a listen to our interview!