Impossible Meat with Possible Consequences: Challenges of Food Tech
It’s been no secret that for decades Genetically-modified food has been a favorite for those working and profiting in Big Ag yet the possible ill-effects of these GMO foods on our health and the environment have only made front page news within the last ten years. Most recently, a great article in the NY Times published last week highlights the risks that business ventures like Impossible Foods are still willing to take in order to get their GE products on the shelves in supermarkets and on people’s plates while dining out. Friends of the Earth’s senior food and technology campaigner, Dana Perls emphasized in a recent report that “under no circumstances should any food company ignore FDA safety warnings and put consumers’ health at risk,” except that’s exactly what they were trying to do!
One of my favorite radio show guests, Steven Drucker whom I interviewed several months ago about his book, Altered Genes, published another great article explaining the devious ways in which Big Ag and corporate interests continue to promote GMOs and ‘obfuscate the unnatural nature of the GM process’.
Hawthorne Valley Farms Arrives at Jackson Heights NY Greenmarket
I love sauerkraut and have tried the Ginger-Carrot and Turmeric kraut from Hawthorne Valley Farm, so I can confirm for you that these products are very delicious (and good to eat with heavier, fatty foods to ease digestion)!
Based in the heart of Columbia County, this organic and biodynamic farm is committed to ecologically harmonious farming practices. According to the farmers themselves: “Our work revolves around cultivating relationships: with the earth, our surrounding communities and landscape, and with one another.” You can find their product distributed at local NY supermarkets and at select Whole Foods retailers.
Scientists Fear Trump Will Dismiss Blunt Climate Report by NY Times
“The average temperature in the United States has risen rapidly and drastically since 1980, and recent decades have been the warmest of the past 1,500 years, according to a sweeping federal climate change report awaiting approval by the Trump administration. The draft report by scientists from 13 federal agencies concludes that Americans are feeling the effects of climate change right now. It directly contradicts claims by President Trump and members of his cabinet who say that the human contribution to climate change is uncertain, and that the ability to predict the effects is limited.” Read full article in the NY Times here. Learn about what you can do to help spread the truth about climate change here from Al Gore as part of his Climate Reality Leadership Project.
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