In the News: Chipotle Joins Fair Food, GMO Corn in Russia, Community-Supported Fisheries, Johnson & Johnson Phase Out Triclosan

Chipotle signs agreement with CIW to join Fair Food Program!

Chipotle Mexican Grill has added its name to  the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) Fair Food Program.  The agreement, which will improve wages and working conditions for farmworkers in Florida who pick tomatoes for Chipotle, comes in advance of the winter tomato-growing season, when most of the nation’s tomatoes come from growers in Florida. Chipotle is the 11th company to join the CIW’s Fair Food Program, which is designed to create a sustainable tomato industry through respect for the rights and concerns of all involved. The Fair Food Premium paid by participating buyers like Chipotle is used to help participating growers improve wages and working conditions for Florida farmworkers.

Russia Suspends Use of Genetically Modified Corn

Russia’s consumer-rights watchdog, said Tuesday, it has suspended the import and use of genetically engineered corn made by Monsanto Co. following a study’s finding that suggested the crop might cause cancer. The study, conducted by France’s University of Caen and published last week, found that rats fed over a two-year period with the U.S. crop – biotech company’s genetically modified NK603 corn, marketed under the Roundup Ready brand name, developed more tumors and other severe diseases than a test group fed with regular corn.

A Growing Movement for Community-Supported Fisheries

With overfishing continuing to be a major issue within our food system, community supported fisheries (CSF) of varying size and ambition are springing up around the country, offering consumers a more sustainable source for their seafood. Many seafood counters are stocked with foreign products that are not harvested sustainably or labeled truthfully. This is not good for the fisherman, the environment or the consumer. CSF’s are a great way of supporting your local fisherman while getting some of the freshest seafood available.

Johnson & Johnson Plans to Phase out Triclosan

Thanks to consumer pressure, Johnson & Johnson announced plans to phase out triclosan, a known endocrine disrupter that has been linked to antibiotic resistance, out of its consumer products. While this is a major step towards protecting the public and the environment from this risky, often unnecessary chemical, the Food & Drug Administration needs to address the use of triclosan in non-medical settings. Until they ban the chemical, consumers and the environment will still be at risk.