In the News: Applications for 2022 Farm to School Grants Are Open!! Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reached Record Levels in 2020, Even Though Activity was Down!

Farm to School Programs Give Children Access to Healthier Food, Local Farms, and Teaches Them Where Their Food Comes From!

USDA expects to award approximately $12 million in competitive grants to eligible entities through the Farm to School Grant Program in 2022. Each grant helps implement farm to school programs that increase access to local food in Child Nutrition Program (CNP) meals, connect children with agriculture for better health, and inspire youth to consider careers in agriculture.

The Office of Community Food Systems (OCFS) is offering free webinars to provide interested schools and organizations with more information. To register, click the links below.

Monday, November 8th, 2021 | 2:30pm ET – Getting Familiar with the FY 2022 Farm to School RFA

This webinar will provide an overview of the FY 2022 Farm to School Grant Program RFA. Get familiar with the requirements of the RFA and how to submit your completed application on

Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 | 2:30pm ET – Getting Your Grant Package Together

During this webinar, they will explore the key characteristics of a competitive Farm to School Grant application. They will review the required components and provide technical assistance on how to submit a complete application. Attendees will learn tips and tricks for writing a succinct application that clearly outlines your farm to school project.  


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reached Record Levels in 2020, Even Though Activity was Down!

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, all greenhouse gasses that add to global warming, reached record levels last year, even though the world’s activity slowed down due to the pandemic.  We are in an emergency, world wide crisis, that needs to be addressed immediately. Thirteen years ago, was founded. It was based on the level of CO2 that could safely enter the atmosphere, 350 parts per million, without the demise of the planet. Well now we are way past that. We are currently at 413.2 parts per million, and the number keeps going up! Check out WMO’s latest issue of its Greenhouse Gas Bulletin.

Next week, the UN Glasgow Climate Change Conference starts, and America needs to come to the table with a serious proposal as to how we are going to reduce our global footprint, since our country has added more to global warming than any other country on the planet. Unfortunately, too many of our legislators are tied up with corporate interests, and are making it hard for President Biden’s “Build Back Better Plan” to get passed. 

We need to do this for our children, and our children’s children, and their children.


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