In the News: Community Supported Agriculture is a Safe and Resilient Alternative to Industrial Agriculture in the Time of Covid-19; Food Waste During the Pandemic!

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a Safe and Resilient Alternative to Industrial Agriculture in the Time of Covid-19

Find a CSA Near You and Support a Local Farmer!

This collective declaration on small-scale food producers and Covid-19 is by the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC.) Urgenci are members and they contributed to this declaration.

Community Supported Agriculture is a Safe and Resilient Alternative to Industrial Agriculture in the Time of Covid-19

The COVID19 crisis is shining a light on the existing inequalities around the world, including wealth, health, race and gender. Of course, the greatest impact will be on the most vulnerable and challenged communities, who need our collective voices to speak up and shout out!
This article in the NY Times had me livid. With so many people in this country hungry and food insecure, the reality of millions of pounds of produce being buried and millions of gallons of milk being dumped, made me crazy. Can’t our government figure out a way to get this food to the people who need it?

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