In the News: Eating Disorders are on the Rise, Especially with Teenage Girls! Bring Your Knives to be Sharpened at the LI CSA Fair!

The pandemic has created a world filled with anxiety, a sense of no control, isolation, and for many, loneliness and depression. We have heard about the increase in drugs and alcohol, and overdoses, but until now, I had not heard about an increase in eating disorders.

New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported twice as many adolescent girls with eating disorders as in the previous year, along with anxiety, depression and stress. However, this surge didn’t just start with the pandemic. It seems that adolescent mental health distress has been on the rise for many years. Emergency room visits among youths related to depression, anxiety and similar issues rose by 28 percent from 2007 to 2018, according to another report by the surgeon general.

Let’s add this to the list of things that need to be addressed in our society!

Together, we can make a difference, 1 bite at a time, 1 kind gesture at a time, 1 smile at a time, and by lifting our heads up and acknowledging the work that needs to be done while spreading the love.


Bring Your Knives to be Sharpened at the LI CSA Fair!

Finding a knife sharpening service these days can be a challenge, so we have arranged for Mike’s Knife Sharpening Truck to join us this year at the Long Island CSA Fair on Saturday, March 26th, from 11-3pm. You can bring all of your knives, and they can be sharpened while you walk around and visit with all of the farmers, learning about the variety of CSA programs available, eating some delicious food from the food trucks, and dancing to the music. It’s going to be a great day. If the weather is bad, we have Sunday, the 27th as a rain date.



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