Expiration Dates Add to Food Waste!
I was so glad to see this article in the NY Times Food Section. Often I am getting calls about food expiration dates and people asking me if they can use something past the expiration date. The answer is almost always, YES! The expiration dates have little to do with reality, and it is another example of the “Follow the Money” theory. These expiration dates get people to throw away completely good food, and to purchase the product again, creating more sales for the company, but more food waste and garbage in the landfills! Please read this article and share it with your friends!
The Environmental Working Group has just released their 2020 Shopping Guides!
Check out the Clean 15 list and the Dirty Dozen list. These are guides that can help you make decisions on which foods are most important to purchase organic, and which ones have the least amount of pesticides in them. In addition to these shopping guides, they have so much more info on their website!
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