In The News: Food Policy Action’s National Food Scorecard: 2015 Progress Report; Governor Cuomo Rejects the Port Ambrose Project; Donate to Help Ban Fracking; iEat Green Partners with LI Green Homes

Food Policy Action’s National Food Scorecard: 2015 Progress Report

Seal_of_the_United_States_Congress.svgThe Scorecard is here. Have you ever wondered where your Congressmen stand on important food issues? Well now you can find out where all of them in America stand. While the average scores of all members of Congress have increased by four points since 2014, this year’s report illustrates a Congress that has so far failed to act on major food policy reforms, including reauthorizing childhood nutrition programs and addressing the overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture, among other disappointments.

Governor Cuomo Does it Again! This Time He Vetoed The Port Ambrose Project! We Must Keep Up the Fight To Ban Fracking Across America! Donate to Help Ban FrackingFracking_Site_in_Warren_Center,_PA_06

I have great news! Governor Cuomo announced he will veto the Port Ambrose Project, the liquefied natural gas facility that was proposed to be built off the coast of Long Island — protecting our health, our environment and our climate, and making it possible for the development of a proposed Wind Farm to take place! This announcement couldn’t have happened without the countless New Yorker’s, who have time and again, urged the governor to stop this project. So thank you all, for your support and petition signing! Now we need to help our fellow states, to follow our lead, and to ban fracking for good. Let’s keep up the momentum.

iEat Green Partners with LI Green Homes

iEat Green is partnering with LI Green Homes, to promote everyone from getting an energy audit of their homes. If we all make our own homes more energy efficient, we can help to reduce our global footprint and do our part in raising awareness about global warming. Please get in touch with the folks at Long Island Green Homes, and have an “energy navigator” come out to your home and do a free home energy assessment. Many of the energy saving services are free, and there are incentives and rebates available for most of the improvements. We just did it in our home, and we are so glad we did!9687101