In the News: Get Your Nutrients from Real Foods, Not Supplements! Meat-Rich Diets Increase Risk of Shorter Life! GE is Awarded a Certificate of Completion, Even Though the Clean-Up is Incomplete!

Eat Real Food for your Health!

In a NY Times article, Choose Foods, Not Supplements, researchers report that the use of supplements does not extend one’s life, and in some cases can be doing harm. In fact, I know my own doctor told me to take a Vitamin D supplement, and this study says that taking more than 400 IU a day can increase ones risk of cancer. I was not told that, and I have been taking 2000 IU per day! Not anymore!!


Most of you know the benefits of eating a mostly plant based diet, but there are still those people who insist on eating meat at every meal (or at least once a day) Well, a new study shows that men who eat half a pound of meat per day,(as compared to those who only eat 2.6 ozs. per day) have a 23% increased chance of dying.


EPA admits PCB cleanup of the Hudson River hasn’t achieved its goals, but issues polluter GE a Certificate of Completion anyway!

What the F__K! This stuff makes me furious!! As a homeowner, I wouldn’t get a Certificate of Completion if I hadn’t done the work, but a Corporate giant like GE, who created the situation, gets a pass? We need to support Riverkeeper in their fight to keep the Hudson River Clean, and let our voices be heard!!