In The News: Long Island Food & Film Feast, Welcome To The Meatrix, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth?How GMOs Took Over the Food Supply, EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” Guide to Food Additives, Food First in Your Neighborhood

Welcome To The Meatrixtm4

Here is a great video which tells the story of factory farming by a cow name Moofius and a pig named Leo. Inspired by the Matrix movie series, they tell the story in a compelling way that really gets your attention.

Long Island Food & Film Feast


Join us for a night of food and films. Slow Food North Shore and the Cinema Arts Centre come together to bring you Long Island?s second annual Food & Film Feast. An enchanted evening, highlighting our local food, the people who produce it, and the difference it can make. Each film will be paired with the food featured in the film, prepared by iEat Green and Slow Food North Shore, along with a guest speaker, so that we can provide you with a glorious, local, seasonal and informative feast!

Twisted Truth?How GMOs Took Over the Food SupplyVeggiesGT1-682x504

GMO’s are unknowingly widely used across the world.

Steven Druker, author of Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, who you may not be aware of, is the attorney who filed a lawsuit in the late ’90s challenging the most important action the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken in this area: its presumption that genetically engineered (GE) foods are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) and can enter the market without a shred of safety testing.

However, the evidence clearly reveals that the FDA’s GRAS presumption was fraudulent when first announced in 1992 and that it remains fraudulent today. Nonetheless, it has played the central role in allowing inadequately tested GE foods to permeate the American market. There are many components to this story, and Steven is just the man to set the story straight.

EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” Guide to Food Additives

candySo what are food additives? When you read your labels on your food products (which I know you do), you may see things like, “natural flavors,” “nitrates,” or “FD&C Yellow 5.” You may be thinking, “natural flavors” doesn’t sound so bad, what could be wrong with that? But as you will see in this article, they use comfortable phrases for the consumer to make you think it’s “not so bad,” when in reality, it really is. Don’t be fooled by your food labels and research everything, you never know what could be lurking in your granola bars.

Food First in Your Neighborhood

Eric Holt-Gim?nez is kicking off Food First?s 40th Anniversary Speaking Tour starting March 13th through April 2, 2015. Eric will be speaking at venues around New York City.Screen-Shot-2015-01-07-at-12.54.44-PM-700x320

Topics include a new focus on Dismantling Racism in the Food System and an analysis of The Vanishing Public Sphere with a focus on land, as well as classic Food First themes such as building a strong food movement.

This international speaking tour, in celebration of Food First?s 40th anniversary, is designed to raise awareness of Food First?s work locally and globally.?Eric?s tour will extend the reach of Food First?s message about exploding the myths behind hunger and inspiring change in the local communities he visits. For more information about what else they have in store for their 40th anniversary and how you can get involved, read here.